
This is my personal blog. I am not a blog or website expert, so all opinions expressed are based on my personal experiences as a blog baby (newbie).

I am just someone who loves to share her inspirations, knowledge, skills, experiences, and has the passion to create and write. 

Please note that my blog is for informational purposes only, and that my personal writings and viewpoints are not meant to humiliate, injure, or insult anybody. Any opinions expressed and information or content posted here does not reflect my employer, my friends, my family and relatives. Everything here, but cuteness and awesomeness doesn't reflect them! :)

Tools, tutorials, or works created by The BLOG BABY are inspired by, adapted from, or taken from the experts, which have been modified, simplified, and/or improvised. Since this is a blog, what I say today may change tomorrow. I'm a person, and I tend to change some views in life...the BLOG BABY herself grows up, too! The world's technology is ever changing so fast. What I've discussed or taught today may not be effective, valid or accurate tomorrow; moreover, the links I share on this site may also change.What I create today that are unquestionably pretty or cute may be ugly in the future. I may even laugh about some of my own posts here and find my opinions silly. Well. I'm responsible for that ugliness and silliness. 

This is The BLOG BABY. 99% of the contents, graphics, and photos are ORIGINAL and created by the BLOG BABY herself. I'm not a website genius, so some contents (mostly tutorials) are taken from the experts, which I have adapted, modified, simplified, and/or improvised. If I post someone else's masterpiece, I make sure I give him/her the right credit. If you wish to use my designs, tutorials, and photos, please make sure you'll use it for a good purpose. Also, please give me the right credit or link back to my site – that'll be awesome! If you wish to use my photos, especially my kids', please give me the right credit, and make sure you say something NICE! lol Once more, please use it only for a good purpose.

The BLOG BABY is not held responsible if you get addicted to blogging and decided to quit your job. 
The BLOG BABY is not responsible if your printer ran out of ink because you have been printing all wonderful and pretty stuff you find here.
The BLOG BABY is also not responsible if your ran out of disk space because you have been saving cute images on your desktop or laptop.

If symptoms (of blog addiction) persist, please consult a website expert. Blogging could be your passion,so let the expert give the best aid for you, or perhaps, you can find some sort of inspiration here at The BLOG BABY.

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